Behind on Blogging

I’ve gotten way behind in my blogging this week, so I think I’ll just point out some of my classmates’ posts that I found especially interesting and have commented on.

Danielle’s final project idea about using zip codes has the potential to turn out pretty interesting, as zip codes are basically geographic codes for the postal service to use. However, she has also found other uses for zip codes that have used demographic information to create different types of maps.

Erin’s recent post on comparing the Game of Thrones’ map of Westeros with the map of the U.S. made me realize just how huge the fictional setting really is. He includes a map that places the two regions side by side for comparison, which is pretty interesting to see.

I related to Josh’s post on mapping sounds as he wrote about the difference between noises heard in rural Pennsylvania compared to the sounds of the DC metro area. Growing up in a similar location that’s fairly quiet in its surrounding woods and mountains, I can see the value in mapping geographic areas by the noises and sounds they emit.


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